Facebook oversight board parliamentcamerongizmodo
Facebook Oversight Board May Seek to Examine Its Algorithm
2. mar. 2021 — ‘Frustrated’ Facebook Oversight Board May Seek to Examine Its Algorithm (or ‘Whatever’). By. Dell Cameron.
Alan Rusbridger, former editor of Britain’s Guardian newspaper and one of 20 people Facebook handpicked to sit on its Oversight Board, said Tuesday that the body may seek to analyze Facebook’s content algorithm.
Oversight Board | Independent Judgment. Transparency …
Tilsynsrådet | Uafhængige bedømmelser. Gennemsigtighed. Legitimitet.
The Oversight Board was created to help Facebook answer some of the most difficult questions around freedom of expression online: what to take down, what to …
En global organisation, der har som mål at sikre ytringsfriheden via uafhængige ekspertbedømmelser. Se rådets medlemmer, charter, appelproces, afgørelser, nyheder med mere.
Some reflections on the announced Facebook Oversight Board
Some reflections on the announced Facebook Oversight Board – Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom
17. okt. 2019 — After announcing the idea less than a year ago, Facebook has unveiled its experiment to establish an independent Oversight Board, …
Thorning skal være overdommer for Facebook: ”Vi kan ikke se …
Thorning skal være overdommer for Facebook: ”Vi kan ikke se på alle sager” – Journalisten
11. maj 2020 — Men med oprettelsen af et uafhængigt tilsyn, det såkaldte Oversight Board, forsøger Facebook nu at dæmme op for den kritik.
Facebook Oversight Board – Verfassungsblog
Facebook Oversight Board – Verfassungsblog
After months of waiting, the Facebook Oversight Board has upheld Facebook’s ban of former President Donald Trump. Beyond the merits, the decision underlines …
Facebook Oversight Board for Content Decisions: What to Know
Journalists and media leaders were among more than 2,000 people consulted around the world for Facebook’s soon-to-be-formed Oversight Board for Content …
Five things to know about Facebook’s Oversight Board for Content Decisions: how it will work, how it will be structured.
Facebook’s Oversight Board & the Rule of Law
Facebook’s Oversight Board & the Rule of Law: The Importance of Being Earnest
12. okt. 2021 — Press reports have referred to Facebook’s Oversight Board using a range of descriptors from the cynical to the ridiculous. Oversight Board …
Press reports have referred to Facebook’s Oversight Board using a range of descriptors from the cynical to the ridiculous. Oversight Board has been referred to as “an elaborate structure for a supposedly independent body to review…content decisions”
Oversight Board (Meta) – Wikipedia
The Oversight Board is a body that makes consequential precedent-setting content moderation decisions on the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram, …
Thorning får et millionbeløb for at overvåge Facebook – Finans
Thorning får et millionbeløb for at overvåge Facebook
13. maj 2020 — IBM’s innovationsarkitekt er bange for, at Oversight Board tjener et helt andet formål end at gå i flæsket på Facebook.
IBM’s innovationsarkitekt er bange for, at Oversight Board tjener et helt andet formål end at gå i flæsket på Facebook.
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